With Rae Simone, Frank Pagano, Steve Gelfand and Ed Alstrom!! Our set time is 4-4:35 in the Chill Tent! Thousands of friends, families and lovers of live, world-class rock, setting out their chairs, blankets and tents, going up to the stage and dancing. Food and drink, a beer & wine garden for the adults, fun activities to keep the kids happy, and a zero-waste program to keep the Earth happy. Plus stuff to buy, charities to learn about, and a warm, positive backyard vibe. All combined with world-class headliners, breakout stars and local artists you need to know, hand-picked and brought to our stages by dedicated music fans.

It's New York's Backyard Jam.

It all happens right here on Parkway Field in beautiful Pleasantville, New York in the heart of Westchester County and it’ll be happening again July 13, 2024!